Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Today was an exciting day, from the get go we were looking forward to our afternoon concert. It was also exciting to get to wave good bye to the busses, as we got 'extra' recess on the lower playground, after school.  It was fun to see the student excitement and hear comments like, "it feels like we are going to sleep over here at school."  There were jitters as we anticipated the concert, but everyone was a pro once the got the show going.
I am so very glad everyone was able to join us for the concert this evening.  Everyone has been looking forward to this event and working so hard to prepare for it. It was very special to each student to have friends and family there to support and cheer them on in celebrating all their hard work this year. I am so proud of the 1st grade students for putting their all into the performance.  I know that I enjoyed every minute of the show!
Just another reminder about the field trip, it has been postponed to Friday due to poor weather.  Please jot me a quick note if you are still able to make it as a chaperone.  It is looking like it may be cool Friday so, students may want extra warm clothes and a extra pair of dry clothes, just in case.

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