Experiments with ms. Johnson

End of the year Learning Lane rotation - little camping in my class
As the first week of vacation is under way, my husband and I have decided to take a trek out to my 97 year old grandma's house in Ohio. On the 14 hr. Drive I was able to take a few minutes to reflect over this past school year. The first thing I want to say is thank you to the parents of my students. I feel honored to be able invest 175 days into your child's life. Next, I want to thank my students; they have blessed my life this year, taught me lessons, and been willing to learn, and have fun. I also want to thank my Learning Lane team, they have stretched me as a teacher and helped me to work smarter and not harder. By teaming it has rejuvenated my love for teaching, and it is also providing a greater opportunity for deeper relationships with our students. I am excited for my new 1st graders, and for the chance to continue to work with the continuing students of leaning Lane.
May you all have a very happy and safe summer!! Remember to enjoy each day and count your blessings!
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