Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Animal Reports

Last week we started our final science unit, animals and their habitats.  We introduced the unit by studying the pond.  Each student picked an animal from the pond to research.  They were to look through books and discover answers to such questions as; what does your animal eat, how does it protect itself, and what are some of its special features?  This week we are moving onto animals in the forest.  Students have been placed in teams of 3-4 to study a forest animal.  This has allowed students to not only work on research skills but also to work on collaboration and social skills.  Students will then create a large poster of their animal to put within our hallway habitat.  Next week we will start in on our ocean animal reports.  This will help us to get ready for our field trip!
Tracing their animal

Researching our animals

Painting your animal

Almost done our animal

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