This week we finished our fraction topic in math. Wednesday we started our new topic, numbers and operations. We will be working a lot on developing our addition fact fluency and number sense. One of the goals in first grade is to know facts to 20 and fluently know facts to 10. To help build this fact fluency we will start to use a computer program called XtraMath. This site can also be used at home as a way to help your child gain the experience of timed addition practice. For more information about this site please visit, https://xtramath.org/#/home/index. Then use the information I sent home last week on XtraMath to sight into your child account.

This week we started our first Learning Lane switch. Students were placed in reading groups according to their needs as a reading learner. Then, these groups were assigned to one of the six Learning Lane teachers. Students will work on reading strategies in small groups every day for approximately 20 minutes. After they are done working in their reading group with their teacher, they will participate in practicing literacy skills in independent centers.
Last week we continued to work on the short a and i vowel sounds, along with the /ck/ ending. This week we will being moving onto our new vowel, short o. Due to a teacher workshop students will take the test on Thursday. I will then send home the new list for the long weekend.
In writing we have been working on personal narratives. The 1st trimester goal for 1st graders is to independently write 2-3 sentences, attempt punctuation and capitals, and apply current spelling knowledge to their writing. We will continue to work towards this goal as we learn about how to expand our narrative stories.

This week we will start our science unit on seasonal patterns. Students will learn about how and why the seasons change.

October Reminders
9th - No School - Teacher Workshop
12th - No School - Columbus Day
16th - Mid-trimester Reports Go Home
27th/29th - Parent/Teacher Conferences
29th - Fire Safety Presentation
*Please remember student drop off starts at 8:10
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