Sunday, October 18, 2015

Integrating science and writing

This past week we have been working through our science unit about seasons.  This unit is all about how the seasons change and continue in a pattern.  Also, we are learning about why the seasons change.  The first thing we did in this unit was list out the different seasons and brainstorm words/activities that got along with these seasons.  After that we drew a picture of what we wear for clothes during these seasons, and we wrote about why we like these different seasons or what we like to do in these different seasons.
  The next activity we did around this unit we ended up sorting pictures that went with each of the seasons.  After we sorted each student picked a word to write about.
   Finally, at the end of the week to wrap up our studies we created leaf people and did a creative writing project.  We were to write about what we would do if we were a leaf.  Everyone had a great time thinking of an idea of what they would do, and creating a leaf person.
   Next week we will start our unit on day and night, and we will continue to learn how our Earth has patterns.

Writing about a topic from a season

Writing about a topic from a season

Writing about a topic from a season

Working on creating our leaves

Putting the pieces together

A leaf person completed

Proud of our work!

Everyone's leaves on display!!

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