Thursday, June 9, 2016

Exciting end of the year!

This week has been filled with so much excitement.  Here are a few highlights of what has been happening this week!!

Tuesday we had Field Day, and despite the rain, we had a blast, plus the day ended with beautiful sunshine.  Here are a few pictures to share what we did!



Water games

Face paint 

Relay races 

Then today we had the Lake Region graduates walk through the school. Everyone was so proud of all their hard work!  

Today we also brought our 2016 Reading Challenge to a close. There were 2 teams today, Team Peavey and Team Cline. The teams were comprised from the 12 classrooms that read the most in our challenge. Each team competed in a "Mousetrap" race and in the end Mrs. Peavey's team was victorious, so Mrs. Cline went into the dunk tank!

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