- Continuing to work on story elements - character, setting, problem, solution, and plot
- This week we will continue with spelling patterns that go along with the final e rule, next week we will have a tricky phonics pattern. The pattern in called the c train and the g train (also known as soft c and g). The rule is that when c or g is followed by an e or i it changes its sound to hard c and g to soft c and g.
- We have been doing an author's study on Mo Willems. We have been reading through a number of his books; now, this week we will each decide which is the best, in our opinion. After everyone picks their book they will be working on an opinion piece about the book and why they think it is the best Mo Willems book!
- We are continuing to work on trying to add adjectives into our sentences, end sentences with correct punctuation, and capitalize the beginning letters in our sentences.
- This week we are working on adding 2 digit numbers. This is also helping us to practice our understanding of place value.
- We are continuing to work on addition and subtraction fluency.
Social Studies
- This week we are starting a new unit, mapping. We will be learning about different types of maps, how to label maps, directionality, and map keys.
Spring Pictures - Tuesday, March 22nd
Report Cards Come Home/Open for Viewing - Friday, March 25th
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