Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Celebrating 100 Days of Great Learning and Fun!

On Tuesday we had our 100th day of school!  It seems to be going so very fast, and there has been so much growth, learning, and fun that has happened in those 100 days.  In celebration of 100's day we invited students to dress up as 100 year old people.  There were quite a few students that took us up on dressing up to celebrate the day, and the teacher's of Learning Lane were not about to miss out on the fun!  Along with our fun dressing up we had a full day of 100's day activities planned.  However, the weather didn't participate with our plans, and we had a 2 hour delay.  This however did not stop us from celebrating!  We however made up the activities we missed Tuesday on Wednesday.  Here are a few pictures highlighting our fun celebration day!  Thank you for helping your kids dress up for the occasion.
Oh no my students turned 100 over night

Happy 100th Day!!

Doing some 100 day writing

Learning Lane multi age groups!

Writing about 100 things!

What happened to the teachers of Learning Lane?

Granny's with attitude

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