Sunday, November 13, 2016

Patriotic Week Part 2

At the end of the week we had the privilege of honoring our local veterans through song.  It was a wonderful opportunity for students to show our veterans how much their sacrifice has meant.   Here are a few pictures of the event.

Waiting to start!

Watching the flags being brought in

Singing one of our favorite patriotic songs

Honoring each branch of the military

Patriotic Week

This week was full of opportunities to teach students about what it means to be an American.  First, on Tuesday we ran an election in Learning Lane to decide our reward for our next R.O.C.K. Star chart.  Students were asked to give their name and show their ID (library card).  They then were given a ballot with the four choices that were decided the previous week by the different classes in Learning Lane.  The choices were movie and popcorn, cooking, stuffy day, or game day.  Later in the day the ballots were counted and Mrs. Peavy was invited to share out on the results, it was a very exciting experience for everyone!

Being asked by our intern Ms. Obrien their name and to show their ID

Ah, decision time!

Putting their ballot into the box
Proud voter

Monday, October 24, 2016

Upcoming Dates

October 25-26th- Parent-Teacher conferences 
October 24- 28th - Red Ribbon Week
October 24-28th- Book Fair

November 3rd - Student Flu Clinic
November 4th - Picture Retake
November 10th - Veterans honor assembly 
November 11th - Veterans Day- No School
November 23rd-27th -Thanksgiving Break
November 30- 1st Trimester Ends

Monday, October 10, 2016

Johnny Appleseed Learning

Last mont was Johnny Appleseed birthday.  We took this opportunity to write about Johnny Appleseed and talk about Tall Tale stories.   Ms. Johnson and I also took the opportunity to celebrate his birthday by making apple sauce with the two classes.  This was a great way to teach students about following directions, measurement, and fractions.   We enjoyed the smell of yummy apple sauce cooking throughout the day!!  Here are some pictures of us learning about how to make apple sauce in a crockpot.

Ms. Johnson slicing apples

Counting out the correct number of apples 
Asking questions about measuring ingredience 
Talking about apple slices as fractions

Math and Writing in September

Last month flew by, but it was a great month of learning and adjusting to being back to school.  During the month of September we learned the routine for math groups and math centers.  Students in our class and Ms. Johnson's class will be switching during this time to better meet each students math needs.  Please talk with your child about which teacher they are meeting with, and how we are doing math centers during this time.
Also, during this month we have been learning the routine for writers workshop.  Students have been learning about the writing process and how to write a personal narrative.  I have been so proud of all the work that has been going on during writing.  Many students have made it to the publishing stage of writing, and they have been able to share their writing with the class.  Here are a few pictures of everyone hard at work as writers.

Hard at work planning and writing!

Students using alternative seats

Using plan sheets to writing a story with a beginning, middle, and end


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Social Studies - National Symbols

This trimester second grade has been focusing on national symbols.  Part of this study is learning about what a symbol is, and then learning what symbols we have in our nation.  We have learned about the President, the eagle, the Liberty Bell, Mount Rushmore, the Washington monument, Airforce One, and the Lincoln memorial.  At the end of our studies students were grouped into groups of six, and they were given a book to read together about one of the national symbols.  They then each picked one fact that they wanted to share about the symbol with the classes.  This week they will present their symbol to the class.

The classes favorite video - Mount Rushmore Rocks

Students researching their national symbols and collaborate together to collect facts!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Math Center

This year a few of us on the Learning Lane team are changing how we teach math.  Over the summer we read the book Math Work Stations  by Debbie Diller; and we realized that we could better reach students if we met in small groups with students not only during reading but during math as well.  Math will start in a whole group lesson and then transition into centers and small groups.  During centers students will be working on independent seat work, which will be either in their interactive notebook or a worksheet, to work on the skill being taught that day.  They will also be playing games or working on the computer to practice math skills.  During centers I will be working with a small group to help strengthen students understanding of the skill being taught that day, and I will also be able to check for any confusions about the skill.

Practicing geoboards

Playing top-it

Working with pattern blocks

Playing addition bump

Sunday, September 4, 2016

School Expectations

Below are the expectations, encouragers, and enforcers of the school. If you have any questions about this please don't hesitate to contact me!

Learning Lane’s Plan for Success

1.  Care for yourself, others, and your school  (Respect)
2.  Keep trying (Own your choices)
3.  Own your choices
4.  Listen and follow directions the 1st time (Cooperation)
5.  Keep yourself and others safe (Keeping safe)

1. Praise
2. Rockstar Ticket
3. Raffle Ticket
4. Positive Contact Home
5. Class/Learning Lane Reward

1. Reminder/Reteach
2. Stop and Think
3. Buddy Room/Reflection
4. Loss of privilege
5. OBR/Call home

Oops Tickets can be given by both homeroom teacher and other Learning Lane teachers to track what number enforcement a student is on.  This can also be tracked on a teacher’s behavior clipboard.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Meet the Teacher

Hi my name is Kristen Saunders, and I am so very excited 
to be your child's 2nd grade teacher.  This will be my 11th year 
teaching, and my 1st year in 2nd grade.  I am excited about this new
teaching adventure!  Also, this is my 4th year 
on the Learn Lane team.  I am looking
forward to a great year!

I grew up in Windham, Maine where I attended
Windham Christian Academy from K through
12th grade. My grandparents owned
a cottage on Sebago, and I have always loved
the lakes region area!


In December of 2003 I graduated with a
Early Childhood/Elementary Education
degree from Evangel University in
Springfield, Missouri.  
After a couple years of teaching, I
decided to go back to school and pursue
my masters degree.  I graduated in 2009
with my masters in General Education.
My Favorites

Food:  Italian and Chocolate
Movie: Anne of Green Gables
Book:  Little Women
Color: Pink
Drink: Coffee
Season: Summer
Sport:  Skiing
Fast Food:  Chinese
Hobby:  Knitting
Subject:  Reading
Dessert:  Anything chocolate
Flower: Dahlia
Pet: Dogs

To be the best teacher I can be, I couldn't
do it without my love and #1 support, my husband
Josh.  Josh and I have been married for
5 years.  

Next to my supportive and wonderful husband,
Josh, our puppy boy, Watson, is love of my
life.  He brings us great joy and fun.  

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Ocean Field Trip

Dear Families,

We will be taking a field trip to Crescent Beach State Park on Monday, June 13th.  The rain date is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15th.  We will be leaving the school at 8:45 with an estimated return time of 2:30.  We will be exploring the tide pools and the animals that live there.

All chaperones will need to provide their own transportation, however, your entry fee will be covered by the district.  If you are planning on following the bus you should arrive at school by 8:15 to go over rules for the field trip.  Students are not allowed to ride with their parents in cars.  Students must ride to and from the field trip on the bus.  Siblings are not allowed if you are chaperoning for this field trip as you will be responsible for a group of students.  

Students will need to wear appropriate shoes to climb on the rocks.  Shoes should have rubber soles and have straps and/or laces to keep them on your child’s feel.  (NO FLIP FLOPS!)  In the interest of preserving the ecological balance of the beach, we are not allowed to take rocks, shells and/or anything else we might find home with us.  The children will be able to spend some time exploring the tide pools and identifying some of the shells and other sea life that they find on the beach.  If you are a chaperone, please make sure that all “living” finds are returned to their original home.

The children will not be allowed in the water!!!  Please do not send your child wearing a bathing suit.  Your child will need a towel to sit on at the beach, at hat, sunscreen, a water bottle and a bag lunch with some snacks and a couple of drinks (NO GLASS BOTTLES PLEASE).  We will also be having snack when we arrive at the beach.  Please apply sunscreen on your child before sending them to school.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Exciting end of the year!

This week has been filled with so much excitement.  Here are a few highlights of what has been happening this week!!

Tuesday we had Field Day, and despite the rain, we had a blast, plus the day ended with beautiful sunshine.  Here are a few pictures to share what we did!



Water games

Face paint 

Relay races 

Then today we had the Lake Region graduates walk through the school. Everyone was so proud of all their hard work!  

Today we also brought our 2016 Reading Challenge to a close. There were 2 teams today, Team Peavey and Team Cline. The teams were comprised from the 12 classrooms that read the most in our challenge. Each team competed in a "Mousetrap" race and in the end Mrs. Peavey's team was victorious, so Mrs. Cline went into the dunk tank!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

May/June Dates

I can't even believe there are only 6 more weeks of school left!  There will be a lot going on as the end of the school year approaches.  Here are some important dates to keep in mind this month and into the beginning of next month.

  27th - R.O.C.K Reward! 
  30th - Memorial Day - No school
   7th - Field Day - Please have your permission slips returned by June 3rd
   13th - Field Trip to Crescent Beach
   15th - Rain Date for Crescent Beach
   16th - Last Day of School!!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

April Important Dates

11-14th - Random Acts of Kindness week (See prior blog for more details)

12th - Pride in Our School Day- Dress up in your favorite Alice in Wonderland costume, and also come have lunch with your child

12th - Crooked River Vote - Please make sure you take time to go out and vote for this very important decision!

12th & 14th - Parent/Teacher conferences - I look forward to talking with everyone about their child's progress

15- 24th - April Break!!

29th - Mid Trimester Closes

Reading Challenge Ends

This week was our last week for our reading challenge.  I want to thank everyone for helping their child read each night, recording their times, and turning them in at the end the week.  If you still have your last reading log, please send it in on Monday.  The classroom teachers will be compiling their reading minutes to see which classes will participate in our reading celebration relay.  Just like last year the classes with the highest minute will have their teacher participating in a relay race in May.  At the end of the relay race the teams principal that loses will be ending up in a dunk tank.  It should be an exciting event to celebrate all of our hard work as readers!

Also, throughout this last month we have been reading as a school the book, Nicholas a Maine Tale by Peter Arenstam.  Everyone has been so very excited about this book!  It has given students a chance to make connections to their own life as the main character Nicholas travels around the state of Maine.  In celebration of finishing the book this week we were surprised with a special visitor,  Peter Arenstam!  It as so awesome to have him at our school to share about being an author, his books, and of course how he wrote our all time favorite Nicholas series.  We love the character so very much, that we as a class, along with several other classes are going to read the next book in the series, Nicholas a New Hampshire Tale.