Sunday, September 13, 2015

Learning Lane's Plan for Success

As part of a way to help students transition from class to class within Learning Lane, we have developed what we are calling Learning Lane's Plan for Success.  Each classroom is teaching the 5 expectations, 5 encouragements, and the 5 enforcements.  These expectations are in place to help each student have a successful learning environment.  Also, we wanted the expectations to carry from classroom to classroom so students know exactly what to expect no matter what Learning Lane room they may be working within.  We need students to realize how important it is for them to do their part as respectful students.  Please talk to your child about what these expectation are and why they are important!  If you have any questions about our Learning Lane Plan for Success, please do not hesitate to call or email me.

Learning Lane's Plan for Success

  1. Follow Directions Quickly
  2. Raise Your Hands for Permission to Speak
  3. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Leave Your Seat
  4. Make Smart and Safe Choices
  5. Treat Others The Way You Want to Be Treated
  1. Praise
  2. ROCK Star Ticket
  3. Raffle Ticket
  4. Positive Contact Home
  5. Class/Learning Lane Reward

  1. Reminder
  2. Take a Break
  3. Buddy Room/Think About it Sheet
  4. Parent Contact or Out of Morning Recess
  5. Office Behavior Report

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