This year we are trying a new model of teaching in a few of our classrooms, co-teaching. I was fortunate enough to be able to be a part of the training for co-teaching last spring. Now, our special education teacher, Mrs. Spearin, and I are trying to implement this model into my classroom. There is a wonderful website that explains what co-teaching is and the benefits of this model. Please take some time to read more about co-teaching at,
In math we have been working on our topic concerning fractions. On Friday, Mrs. Spearin joined us with her smart table. A smart table is a technological tool that engages students in their learning through a collaborative and fun method. To learn more about this fabulous piece of technology please view the you tube video,
As Mrs. Spearin led the smart table group, I led a fun craft activity to reinforce fractions. Other students were engaged in independent game time. Every 20 minutes students switched and rotated through the math stations, it was a fun and engaging way to end our week in math! Below are a few pictures of our math time Friday.
Mrs. Spearin teaching smart table edicate |
Learning the fraction smart table game |
Working on our fraction pies craft |
Sorting fractions on the smart table |
Hard at work making our fraction pies |