Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sabre Yacht Field Trip

Friday was a very exciting field trip day!  We heading for Sabre Yachts early in the day and got back at lunch time.  We had the opportunity to see the boats in the making from beginning to end.  While we waited for the tour, as we needed to go in small groups, we were able to do different stations in their lunch room.  The stations consisted of snack, making thank you cards for Sabre Yachts, and 2 read aloud books that had to do with engineering.  Here are a few pictures of our experience that day!

We made it, welcome to Sabre Yachts

Working to make thank you cards

Seeing a finished boat 
Learning about why their is a stripe on the boats

Our safety gear on as we walk through 

Being taught about how the boats are assembled

In the cafeteria getting directions

Making more thank you cards!
We had a great trip!

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