In April we worked on 2 of our social studies units, maps and goods and services. In the mapping unit we learned about the different parts of a map, and we even got to create our own maps. Before we created our own maps we needed to learn about map titles, what a compass rose is, and what each letter stands for in the compass rose, what a map key is, and what it is used for. Once we learned these key components we were able to then create our own maps. Some students chose to map out a local area, while others took imaginative settings from their fiction writing and created a map for that place. Here are a few pictures of everyone working hard on their maps.
Creating Our Maps |
Hard at work! |
Hmm, what should come next? |
Right before break we completed our final 1st grade social studies unit, goods and services. We all learned a lot about different jobs and whether they only provide a service or if they also produce a good. For writing everyone chose what they want to be when they grow up. They then wrote about why they wanted to do that job and if that job will produce a good. Finally, as one of our last activities we had a goods and services scavenger hunt. Different jobs were put around the room, students were to search for them and decide if it was just a service job or if it produced a good. Here are a few pictures of everyone working to find and determine which the job was for their recorder sheet.
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