Friday, February 3, 2012

February News

                                                                                                                              February 3, 2012
                                         Mrs. Saunders Newsletter
Dear Families,
I hope this letter finds you all healthy and well.  I know that there has been a number of coughing, belly aches, and headaches.  If your child has had a cough, and you would like to send them in cough drops, they are more then welcome to have them in their backpack. 

Seeing that it is the middle of the school year, it a good time to go over the behavior contract that you and your child signed at the start of the year.  If you would like a new copy of this, please send a note in with your child and I will send one home with them.

Also, I am sending some information home about your child’s latest Every Day Math assessment.  If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or call me at school.  

There are a few things coming up in the month of February.  First, mid trimester progress reports will be going home on Monday, February 6th.  Next on February 14th we will be having our Valentine’s Day celebration.  I will be sending home a list of kids names for Valentines, and giving you more information about the celebration next week.  Finally the week of February 19th is winter break!  

Finally, during these chilly winter months if you could send your child in a sweatshirt that could stay here at school that would be wonderful.  Our room can get a bit cold on certain days, and it can be rough to work in our jackets, especially if they are wet from recess.  Thank you for all your help.

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