Sunday, March 20, 2016

Upcoming Learning


  • Continuing to work on story elements - character, setting, problem, solution, and plot
  • This week we will continue with spelling patterns that go along with the final e rule, next week we will have a tricky phonics pattern.  The pattern in called the c train and the g train (also known as soft c and g).  The rule is that when c or g is followed by an e or i it changes its sound to hard c and g to soft c and g.  
  • We have been doing an author's study on Mo Willems.  We have been reading through a number of his books; now, this week we will each decide which is the best, in our opinion.  After everyone picks their book they will be working on an opinion piece about the book and why they think it is the best Mo Willems book!
  • We are continuing to work on trying to add adjectives into our sentences, end sentences with correct punctuation, and capitalize the beginning letters in our sentences.
  • This week we are working on adding 2 digit numbers.  This is also helping us to practice our understanding of place value.
  • We are continuing to work on addition and subtraction fluency.
Social Studies
  • This week we are starting a new unit, mapping.  We will be learning about different types of maps, how to label maps, directionality, and map keys.


Spring Pictures - Tuesday, March 22nd
Report Cards Come Home/Open for Viewing - Friday, March 25th

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Reading Challenge!

Songo Locks School Reading Challenge

February 26 – April 8

Research shows that students that read 20 minutes a day at home are better readers. We want to improve the reading skills of students at Songo Locks School, so we are challenging them to read 3540 hours as a group.

Why so many hours? Maine has just over 35, 000 square miles. Each hour we read will cover 10 square miles. Each classroom teacher has received a copy of the book Nicholas: A Maine Tale, written by Peter Arenstam. We will be reading the book aloud during the month of March.

What do students have to do?

*Read outside of school

*20 minutes or more 5 days a week

*Fill in the reading log

*Return reading log to school on Friday

(return Thursday, March 3, Teacher Workshop Day on Friday,

March 4)

What do parents/guardians have to do?

* Help children time their reading.

* Sign the reading log

* Participate in Family Reading Week, March 4 – 11-  keep a log for the whole family

Reading includes:

*Read to self

*Read with a buddy

*Listen to a read aloud

Special Events:

*March 15 Maine Day, earn 196 reading points - wear something that promotes a Maine location

*March 31 Special Visitors, watch for more information

*April 8 A very, very special guest speaker

*April 14 Book Character Day, dress as your favorite book character

We have until April 8 to complete our hours. All students and staff will help to complete the

challenge. At the successful completion of our challenge we will celebrate with a Book

Character Day! Students and staff can dress as their favorite book character. Last year, we held our own mushers race with the teachers pulling the sleds.  We have a new challenge planned, Mrs. Cline and Mrs. Peavey will need a beach towel this year!  Do you want your teacher to be on the team this year? Read more minutes than the other classes in your grade to put your teacher on the team!

Read! Read! Read!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Important March Dates

4th - No school - Teacher Workshop
13th - Daylight Savings - Spring Ahead!
25th - 2nd Trimester Report Cards Go Home
31st - Science Night