Saturday, April 9, 2016

April Important Dates

11-14th - Random Acts of Kindness week (See prior blog for more details)

12th - Pride in Our School Day- Dress up in your favorite Alice in Wonderland costume, and also come have lunch with your child

12th - Crooked River Vote - Please make sure you take time to go out and vote for this very important decision!

12th & 14th - Parent/Teacher conferences - I look forward to talking with everyone about their child's progress

15- 24th - April Break!!

29th - Mid Trimester Closes

Reading Challenge Ends

This week was our last week for our reading challenge.  I want to thank everyone for helping their child read each night, recording their times, and turning them in at the end the week.  If you still have your last reading log, please send it in on Monday.  The classroom teachers will be compiling their reading minutes to see which classes will participate in our reading celebration relay.  Just like last year the classes with the highest minute will have their teacher participating in a relay race in May.  At the end of the relay race the teams principal that loses will be ending up in a dunk tank.  It should be an exciting event to celebrate all of our hard work as readers!

Also, throughout this last month we have been reading as a school the book, Nicholas a Maine Tale by Peter Arenstam.  Everyone has been so very excited about this book!  It has given students a chance to make connections to their own life as the main character Nicholas travels around the state of Maine.  In celebration of finishing the book this week we were surprised with a special visitor,  Peter Arenstam!  It as so awesome to have him at our school to share about being an author, his books, and of course how he wrote our all time favorite Nicholas series.  We love the character so very much, that we as a class, along with several other classes are going to read the next book in the series, Nicholas a New Hampshire Tale.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Student Council is sponsoring a Random Acts of Kindness to build awareness of the power of just being kind.  Please help us celebrate the week by participating in the dress up days to show your pride in being a student at Songo Locks school.    Please dress in the following:
Monday, April 11- PJ Day
Show your soft side - wear soft pajamas
Tuesday, April 12- Pride in our school day
Dress as your favorite character from Alice in Wonderland
Wednesday, April 13- Wacky Wednesday
Dress in a silly manner
Thursday, April 14- One color for Kindness
Show how nothing is black or white - Wear anything gray
Additionally, as a Random Act of Kindness from the Songo Locks Elementary School, we are holding a fundraiser to raise money/supplies for Harvest Hills to help care for homeless dogs and cats.
Some items they could use include:
  • Canned Dog and Cat Food
  • Kitten food
  • Dry cat food
  • Dry dog food- NO BENEFUL OR OLD ROY please
  • Grain-free dog food
  • Hardwood pellets (We use it for cat litter)
  • Bleach
  • Laundry detergent
  • Trash Bags
  • Postage Stamps
  • Photocopy paper
  • Dish soap
  • Cleaning Supplies: Nylon-bristle brooms, Scrub Pads and Brushes, Sponges, Paper Towels
  • Gift cards to Wal-mart, Paris Farmers’ Union and Hannaford

Parent Teacher conference night would be a great time to drop off donations!