Saturday, March 21, 2015

Iditarod Reading Celebration

Yesterday was our official last day of our Iditarod reading challenge.  Everyone worked so hard to read us from Maine to Alaska. Our class contributed 214 hours of reading over the challenge!  Over the weeks the whole school read 4,817 hours!!!  After all the hours were tallied the top reading classes won, and their teacher was then chosen to be the pullers in the Iditarod race.  The 1st prize classes pulled Mrs. Cline's sled, and the 2nd prize classes pulled Mrs. Peavey's sled.  Everyone from the whole school met outside to cheer on the mushers.  In the end Mrs. Cline's team won, but it was definitely a close race.  Later in the day students were aloud to get an up close experience with the dog sleds.  They were aloud to be mushers, riders, and dogs.  It was an exciting and fun way to celebrate all the hard work everyone put into the reading challenge.

Whole School Experience!
Explaining the rules of the race
Getting their gear on and setting up

Ready, Set, RACE!
The Fans

They're off!!
Who will win?

On the last bend
Fans can't stand the suspense!
Mrs. Cline's team won!! But everyone did a great job!

Catching a Leperachaun

This week was full of excitement!  The week started off on Tuesday with a surprise visitor to our room.  Everyone arrived to find tiny footprints across tables, a sign, and a green smiley face left on our paint easel.  Of course every one's level of enthusiasm sky rocketed throughout the day.  For writing everyone planned out how they were going to create a leprechaun trap.  Then, at the end of the day they were going to be given the opportunity to actually create them with the supplies in the room.  The traps were very creative, sadly their were no leprechaun's caught that evening.  That little creature was just too sneaky for us!

Bating the traps

Will this engineering work?

Here's hoping, a pot of gold maybe?

Team work!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Upcoming Events

Because of the white stuff that has decided to come full force this year some of the dates have shifted.
As we wait for that pop of spring to come we have a few things coming up to keep us busy!  So, mark your calendar, and here is hoping that through this we will start to see a sprig of green spring up.


16th - Starting our Mapping Social Studies Unit
20th - 2nd Trimester Ends
Iditarod Reading Celebration -TBA


3rd - Report Cards Go Home
14th and 16th - Parent Teacher Conferences
18th -26th  - April Vacation 

In order to get the wiggles out every day we have been doing brain breaks.  This past week we joined Ms. Johnson's class for a brain break.  Here are a few pictures showing us getting moving so we will be ready to learn after.

A little Zumba Action

This week we also had our Dr. Seuss door contest, here is our finished product!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Game Day

Yesterday we had game day to celebrate earning our 65 R.O.C.K. star tickets!  Everyone had a great time sharing and playing the games that were brought in.  Also, students were aloud to check out different rooms in Learning Lane to play other games with different friends.  It was a lot of fun, and everyone was proud of earning this reward!

Be careful not to topple it over
Hmm, lots of strategizing going on here

Can you guess what is on my head?


What is hiding in the hat?

Character Day and 100's Day

Friday was a jammed pack day of fun and excitement.  To start, we had character day at school to kick off Dr. Seuss month.  Everyone had a great time dressing up as their favorite book character.  Then, in the morning we also had a special dental assembly.  A local orthodontist came in to talk with everyone about proper teeth cleaning. He was also kind enough to provide each student with a dental kit to take home.  Throughout the day we participated in 100's day activities.  We did everything from a workout to the number 100 to writing about what it would be like to be 100 years old.  Another highlight of the day was a Dr. Seuss cupcake treat at lunch for everyone!

As the day ended everyone was excited about Monday because, we had filled our R.O.C.K. Star chart and are able to participate in Monday's game day activity.
Teachers of Learning Lane getting into character day

Happy 100's Day!!