Sunday, November 23, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you all for doing the fun turkey project with your child!  I hope you enjoyed doing it as much as we have enjoyed seeing and reading about them.  We at Learning Lane hope that you all have a very wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!  This is always a busy time of year with family and events, always remember to try to slow down and enjoy family and count your blessings.  

It will be very busy 3 weeks in between Thanksgiving and Christmas break.   Please make sure to save the concert date, December 16th at 9:30 on your calendar.  They are already practicing and so very excited.

Also, please look for report cards either on line or in paper form December 12th.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving from some of the Learning Lane Team

A sample of some creative Learning Lane student, has anyone seen any turkeys?

Sunday, November 16, 2014


This past week I started math homework.  I sent home two math homework papers last week; 4.1 and 4.2.  I will be planning to send home 2-3 math homework pages this week.  Please remember to look for them in the math fliers.  They will be in there along with our quick check (quiz) and common core review paper.  When your child has completed the assignment please remember to send it back to school in their folder.  One of the requirements in 1st grade is to complete and return homework.  Students will be graded on the completion of their homework on their report card.  I will remind them to pass it in, but it is their responsibility to get it from their folder to me.

Also, please remember to practice spelling with your child throughout the week.  We will have a test on Fridays to see if they have mastered their spelling words.  Also, I have started having them write application sentences on the back of their spelling test.  This is to not only see if they can apply their spelling words into sentences, but it is also to see if they are remembering punctuation, capitals, spaces, and neat handwriting.  All of these areas are 1st grade requirements for writing.  My hope is that the rubrics will help you to see what skills your child needs to work on to meet 1st grade standards.

Next week because it is a 2 day week we will not be having spelling!

Also remember it is very important at this point in your child's learning to continue to practice reading at home.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November Learning


I cannot even believe that it is already 2 weeks into November!! It has been a very busy start to the school year, and with the holidays ahead it will continue to be very busy and full of learning.  This week we started our social studies unit on now and long ago.  Throughout this study students will learn about how people's lives were different and the same long ago to our lives.  As we study we will be learning about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Native Americans.  Also, this month we will be learning about Veteran's Day and how we can honor and thank our veterans.  

In math we have been continuing to learn different strategies to add and subtract numbers.  The strategies we are learning in Topic 4 are to help us to become more fluent in our addition facts.  Also, keep an eye out for math homework from now on.  I will be sending home 2-3 homework papers a week.  If you have any questions about the homework please do not hesitate to ask.  Also, if you could please send it back to school in your child's folder it will help me to give them credit for their work at home.

In writing we have been learning about how to write about information we learn about the pilgrims and life in the past.  Also, we will be working on a persuasive turkey piece as we get closer to Thanksgiving!

Upcoming Important Dates:

November 25th - 1st Trimester Ends
November 26-30 - Thanksgiving Break
December 12th - 1st Trimester Report Cards Come Home
December 16th @ 9:30 - 1st grade holiday concert
December 20th - Christmas Break begins

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Harvest Celebration on Learning Lane

For Halloween we did a special Learning Lane rotation.  The multi-aged students went to three different stations to to an activity.  They went to one kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade classroom.  In that room they did an activity.  In the Kindergarten room they created slimy goo and spider hats.  In the 1st grade room they worked as a team to create a artistic raft that will go together to create a mural for Learning Lane.  Finally, in the 2nd grade classroom they made scarecrows. Everyone had a great time!

During math games we played an addition game called roll a pumpkin.  In this game you roll two dice and add the numbers together; then, you find the directions that match your number.  The goal of the game is to have your pumpkin put together first.

To end our days celebration we watched Charlie Brown and the great pumpkin.  I hope that everyone had a very fun and safe Halloween!

Ms. Johnson and Mrs. Flanagin's room working on scarecrows
Playing build a pumpkin
Almost a complete pumpkin
Working on the building pumpkin game
Mrs. Flangin helping students put their scarecrow together