I cannot even believe that it is already 2 weeks into November!! It has been a very busy start to the school year, and with the holidays ahead it will continue to be very busy and full of learning. This week we started our social studies unit on now and long ago. Throughout this study students will learn about how people's lives were different and the same long ago to our lives. As we study we will be learning about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Native Americans. Also, this month we will be learning about Veteran's Day and how we can honor and thank our veterans.
In math we have been continuing to learn different strategies to add and subtract numbers. The strategies we are learning in Topic 4 are to help us to become more fluent in our addition facts. Also, keep an eye out for math homework from now on. I will be sending home 2-3 homework papers a week. If you have any questions about the homework please do not hesitate to ask. Also, if you could please send it back to school in your child's folder it will help me to give them credit for their work at home.
In writing we have been learning about how to write about information we learn about the pilgrims and life in the past. Also, we will be working on a persuasive turkey piece as we get closer to Thanksgiving!
Upcoming Important Dates:
November 25th - 1st Trimester Ends
November 26-30 - Thanksgiving Break
December 12th - 1st Trimester Report Cards Come Home
December 16th @ 9:30 - 1st grade holiday concert
December 20th - Christmas Break begins