There are a number of different things that are used to help us learn different concepts and skills. One of the methods we use, and that can be used at home are some different websites. It is important for students to use paper and pencil, but these websites can be a fun and motivational method of learning. Please feel free to use these sites to help with spelling, reading, and math!
Spelling can be a difficult thing to be motivated to study so, I have set up an account on When you go to the site scroll down the spelling lists till you find the week that matching our current spelling list. There are tests, games, and lessons to help your child work through their spelling list. On a short school week, I will try to send the list home over the weekend.
Please check out spellcity:
For reading, Mrs. Roberts and I have purchased an account with Raz-Kids. This site is a wonderful site that contains leveled readers at your child's level. Your child can go in and read, listen to reading, and take quizzes on what they have read. Also, they are able to earn stars as they spend more time on their reading. With these stars they can buy things for their robot and their robot's home. Students use this site several times a week as one of their centers during guided reading.
Here is the link to Raz-Kids:
Another great reading and math site that is free and the kids really enjoy is Starfall at, This site has everything from calendar skills to practicing addition and subtraction facts.
One of the standards in 1st grade in math is to know their math facts to 10 fluently. This means that they will need to be able to do them quickly and without manipulatives. In order to help meet this goal we will be practicing speed tests eventually. A site that I will be having them use weekly is XtraMath. Here they will practice addition facts to try to improve their speed. I will be sending home their user name and code this week. Check out for more information about this site.
I hope you find these sites to be helpful, and if you have any questions about them or need me to resend passwords, please feel free to contact me.
Working hard on Raz-Kids |
Thank you for sending headphones! |
We love computer time! |